Component 1

Scientific-regional analysis of the state of biological diversity and ecosystem services

What is it?

Scientific-regional analysis of the state, trends and causes of the loss of biological diversity in the Member States. Using the methodology of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the analysis should also measure the deterioration of the benefits of ecosystems/environmental functions/environmental services in the Basin/Amazon Region.

Strategic actions

1. Scientific-regional analysis of the state of biological diversity and benefits of ecosystems/environmental functions/environmental services of the Amazon Basin/Region

In collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt research institute of Colombia, ACTO has established a Scientific Committee, composed of scientists, researchers and academics officially appointed by the Member States, to guide and oversee the development of biological diversity analysis. To be developed in the Amazon regions of the eight Member States, the analysis will consider all the evaluations and previous studies carried out by the official institutions of each country, systematizing and improving the existing information in the different national reports on biological diversity and, at the same time, complementing information on the situation, trends and dynamics of biological diversity and the benefits of ecosystems/environmental functions/services  described in the global analysis and analysis of the Americas of IPBES on the Amazon Basin/Region, as well as in the national evaluations of Brazil and Colombia and also in the recent report of the Scientific Panel for the Amazon. The analysis should also highlight member states' efforts in the conservation, protection and sustainable use of biological diversity.

Expected results

Improve decision-making and guide more effectively, based on scientific data, the development of policies, strategies, plans, programs and projects on biological diversity in Member States, with the identification of information gaps in key topics of knowledge about biological diversity and the articulation with scientific development agencies.

Measures Taken

Strategic Action No. 1:

  • Establishment and strengthening of the Technical Support Secretariat, made up of representatives of SP/ACTO, the Humboldt Institute of Colombia and GIZ, to coordinate the work of the Rapid Assessment.
  • Formulation, negotiation and adoption of the Scope Document for the Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region.
  • Establishment of dynamics and official spaces for dialogue with the Scientific Committee of the Rapid Evaluation and with the 118 selected authors.
  • Structuring of the Technical Document of the Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region and the Summary for Decision Makers.
  • Dissemination of the results of the Rapid Assessment in regional and international forums, including the CBD COP15 in Montreal in 2022 and the Amazon Dialogues and Summit of Presidents of ACTO Member Countries in Belém in 2023.

Results/Outputs generated

  1. Scope Document for the Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region.
  2. Technical Document ( Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 )
  3. of the Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region.
  4. Summary for Decision Makers.