Component 3

Strengthening the national capacities of member states

What is it?

Actions that contribute to the strengthening of national capacities for the management of biological diversity in Member States with national, regional and global impact.

Strategic actions

1. Development of national and territorial actions for the management of biological diversity for transformative change

Support to Member States in the management of national and local capacity development projects, through regional dialogues, training courses, horizontal exchange processes of good practices and learning and technology transfer and technical assistance, on regionally prioritized topics.

2. Promoting the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity

Promoting the sustainable use of biological diversity in the Amazon Basin/Region, with the establishment of an Amazonregional Forum of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises linked to the use of natural products, boosting the meeting between producers and buyers, with emphasis on adding value in the country of origin and the fair and equitable distribution of its benefits, developing local economies and food security. Among the actions, we highlight the training of young entrepreneurs in partnership with academia and industry and the elaboration of a catalog of Amazonian products with promotion on the OTCA website.

3. Management of traditional knowledge associated with biological diversity in indigenous peoples, local communities and other tribal communities

Promotion and strengthening of local enterprises of indigenous peoples and local communities of the Basin/Amazon Region, through training in financial economy issues, generation of economic income and investment plans. With this, it is expected to move forward with the initiatives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) related to indigenous peoples, local communities and other tribal communities, prioritizing the themes of consultation and/or prior reasoned consent, in accordance with the respective national laws, mutually agreed conditions and fair and equitable distribution of their benefits, community protocols, strengthening of management systems and protection of traditional knowledge and intellectual property associated with traditional knowledge. The action also aims to improve the participation of indigenous peoples, local communities and other tribal communities in the development of assessments on biological diversity, within the framework of the methodology of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

4. Strengthening management processes in protected areas and OMEC*

National and regional actions to strengthen national systems of protected areas and OMEC (Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures), aimed at protecting biological diversity and the sustainable development of local populations living in them. Considering the results obtained and the proven experience of the work of the competent authorities of the sector and their technical networks of regional cooperation, the component will develop actions within the framework of Protected Natural Areas and OMEC.

5. Management, monitoring and control of species of wild fauna and flora threatened by trade

Support for the management, monitoring and control of species of wild fauna and flora threatened by illegal trade, especially of the species included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The action will develop national mechanisms, systems or procedures for issuing electronic licences, which are in line with CITES guidelines and others that Member States consider relevant.

6. Biological diversity, food and health

Promotion of actions to strengthen the use of biological diversity as a source of well-being for indigenous peoples, local communities and other tribal communities through the provision of regional foods and the strengthening of existing links with food and public health. Research will also be promoted on the relationship between emerging diseases, especially zoonoses, caused by the impact of the use of wild fauna for human consumption purposes, promoting a use of biological diversity that considers its sanitary and epidemiological implications.

7. Identification and analysis of financial mechanisms and instruments

Support for the identification of sources of funding for regional initiatives in the Basin/ Amazon Region, with the evaluation and regional analysis on financial mechanisms and instruments that have been developed within member states and other countries of the world, on conservation, restoration, sustainable use of components of biological diversity and protection of the benefits of ecosystems/environmental functions/services. Promoting exchanges to strengthen experience-based learning between Member States and also with other countries.

Expected Results

Strengthening the experiences and capacities of OTCA Member States to respond to the challenges of conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the components of biological diversity within the CBD, and through actors at the local level, as a fundamental part of the planning process for territorial development of the Amazon Basin/Region.

* Definition of OMEC: "A geographically defined area that is not a protected area, which is governed and managed in order to achieve positive and sustained long-term results for the in situ conservation of biodiversity, associated ecosystem functions and services; and, where appropriate, cultural, spiritual, socioeconomic and other locally relevant values" (CBD, 2018)

Measures Taken

Strategic Action No. 5:

  • Contribute to the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity and especially of the species included in CITES.
  • National and regional information and knowledge management systems on Biodiversity and CITES species strengthened, interoperable and operational.

Results/Outputs generated

  1. Biological diversity module at the Amazon Regional Observatory of ACTO.
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