Component 2

Mechanisms and instruments for the management of biological diversity

What is it?

Development, consolidation and promotion of regional mechanisms and instruments to support conservation, restoration, forest management and the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity by Member States.

Strategic actions

1. Knowledge and information management on biological diversity

Consolidation of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ORA), a regional platform that gathers data from national systems in biological diversity, as a tool to develop processes of documentation, systematization, analysis and exchange of experiences between Member States, and with other countries and regions of the world. The ORA identifies, documents, systematizes and disseminates information on models, initiatives and actions that are successful and innovative practices for the management of biological diversity in the Basin/Amazon Region. The platform also aggregates experiences and initiatives developed by academic entities, international cooperation and others in the Amazon Basin/Region, in coordination with member countries, promoting synergy and complementarity between regional initiatives.

2. Regional monitoring on biological diversity

Development of a regional monitoring module on biological diversity articulated to the Amazon Regional Observatory (ORA), considering the standardization and representativeness of information provided by national systems in biological diversity. Alignment of regional monitoring indicators with indicators of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as tools and methodologies for sharing information. With the consolidation of information and data bases, the preparation of reports and promotion of regional dialogues on the state and trends of biological diversity in the Basin/Amazon Region, it is expected that the module will stimulate the generation of practical tools to improve the positioning of Member States in relation to their efforts in the management of biological diversity, national targets for CBD commitments and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

3. Promotion of processes of systematization of good practices and solutions

Promotion at national, regional and global level of successful experiences linked to learning initiatives, solutions and/or approaches to managing biological diversity and benefits of ecosystems/environmental functions/services in the Member States that make the benefits of regional cooperation visible through THE OTCA.

Expected Results

Support Member States in information management, monitoring, exchange of experiences, knowledge transfer and/or technologies, training, and replicability of actions related to conservation and sustainable use of the components of biological diversity, through the strengthening of management mechanisms and instruments, including national information systems of biological diversity and control and surveillance.

Promotion of the development of regional protocols to establish the parameters for the management and use of data and information that contribute to the decision-making of public policies, considering the regional, national and global objectives, considering the regulations of each country.

Measures Taken

Strategic Action No. 1:

  • Development of a biodiversity module within the framework of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ORA) with data and information from ACTO Member Countries.

Strategic Action No. 3:

Development of a conceptual and methodological basis on good practices and solutions for biodiversity management.

Systematization of more than 120 successful experiences of biodiversity management in the Amazon region available in the ORA.

Results/Outputs generated

  1. Biological diversity module at the Amazon Regional Observatory of ACTO.
  2. Guide for the identification and systematization of good practices and solutions for biodiversity management.
  3. Compendium with 22 good practices and 11 solutions for the management of biodiversity in the Amazon region.
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